
Gigi gaskins
Gigi gaskins

gigi gaskins


If you can’t spew virus particles in your local supermarket to your heart’s content, then is American even FREE anymore? NO! And now these patriots are screaming that America asking people to get vaccines is the same thing as Nazi Germany demanding that Jews wear yellow stars. Once the vaccinations rolled in, people who didn’t want to get one for “reasons” lost their minds completely. So the audacity of public health professionals saying, “Hey, lots of people are dying, so wear a mask” and government officials mandating masks in the middle of a pandemic was just too much. THEIR president told them that COVID-19 would disappear like a miracle. The biggest deadly temper tantrum in modern history. These are the same people who literally stormed the Capitol because their candidate lost the election. schools because it hurts their feelings and that transgender people not be allowed into public restrooms because it makes them uncomfortable.

gigi gaskins

Now, these same people are demanding that we stop teaching about racism in U.S. I remember it like it was yesterday: Trump supporters flying flags that said, “Fuck your feelings,” wearing T-shirts that said “Suck it up, Buttercup” and making fun of safe spaces.

Gigi gaskins