Our team is also made up of administrative professionals who are key contributors to the success of PAFD.
#Firehouse near me code
We take pride in handling various situations, from structure to wildland fires, medical emergencies to hazardous materials, and technical rescue to code enforcement and fire investigations. Our outstanding fire department is comprised of highly trained professionals who are always prepared to respond effectively to emergencies. We are focused on meeting our community's needs and aim to mirror our community through diversity and inclusion opportunities.
#Firehouse near me professional
We are a professional team of men and women dedicated to safeguarding and enriching the lives of anyone, anytime, anywhere, with compassion and pride. In addition to the City of Palo Alto, we proudly serve the Stanford University community. On behalf of the men and women of the Palo Alto Fire Department, we are honored to welcome all visitors to our homepage, whether you are a community member, a fellow firefighter, or simply curious about our incredible organization.

Planning and Transportation Commission (PTC).Report an Americans Disabilities Act (ADA) Grievance.Visit the Palo Alto Junior Museum & Zoo.