It is important that you wear this continuously for four weeks. You will be given a post-surgical abdominal binder the day of your procedure. While this sensation usually lasts about a week, you may feel more comfortable walking with slightly bent posture.
Patients who undergo abdominoplasty will often experience tightness of the lower stomach skin due to the significant degree of tissue removal during the operation. McDaniel throughout the next year as you complete your recovery. Our staff will help you schedule follow up appointments with Dr. McDaniel will see you in the office the next day to examine your surgical site, review your activity restrictions, and help you transition into the first stage of your recovery. The drains are typically removed by two weeks after surgery.Ībdominoplasty and any combined procedures may be done in our private AAAASF-certified operating room, and does not require you spend time in the hospital. Dr. These help to prevent formation of fluid pockets, which can require weekly drainage. One or two drains are used, depending on the length of the incision. Finally, the belly button is brought up to the surface and secured in place. The excess skin and fatty tissue is then removed directly and the incision repaired.

Permanent sutures are used for this purpose to reduce the risk of future muscle separation. This helps abdominal strength and "hourglass" figure. Once extra skin and fatty tissue is loosened from the abdominal wall, the rectus abdominis, or "six-pack," muscles are brought back together in the middle of the abdomen. The length of the incision is typically from hip to hip in order to allow maximal improvement without bunching in the corners. This procedure involves an incision around the belly button and across the lower abdomen, around the level of a C-section scar. Most patients receive the most benefit from a standard abdominoplasty.